Favorable results have been attained in a large majority of cases, the performance depending on each individual case, as well as the type of problem, as each of us is different from the next and, as is already known, there are only sick people and not illnesses.
This kind of treatment is achieving satisfactory results in physiological and mental pathologies and significantly in pathologies of the defense system. In cases of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the patient may achieve a significant degree of psychosomatic recovery and, as a result, a more comfortable existence. The usefulness of the technique has also been demonstrated in behavior problems and in patients affected by emotional problems, and drug dependence, Alzheimer's disease, pneumonia, asthma, allergies, hepatitis "A", "B" and "C", hepatic cirrhosis, food poisoning, cancer of the lung and of the whole gastric tract, prostate and bladder, in certain types of brain tumor, gynecological problems and gestational disorders (QHBC is of great support to the fetus and future mothers), in accidents during birth with children and when they are born in a vegetative state, in cases of hemorrhoids, in the treatment of migraine headaches, hydrocephalia, lumbalgia and sciatic nerves, glomerulonephritis, nephritic colic, pancreatitis, Zoster herpes, patients with disseminated sclerosis revealing itself in the form of outbreaks not affected by trembling, ulcerous colitis, in some cases of infant leukemia, and some arthritis cases.
list of various disorders is only intended to give readers a
general idea of the clinical results obtained in applying QHBC.
The beneficial effects attained in patients using this technique,
on the other hand, go far beyond this list. However, this does
not mean that the technique is able to overcome all of the health
problems it has dealt with over the past 11 years, as in some
cases, patients have been unable to recover from their sick
of Anorexia
Hyperkinetic Child
Five cases histories
Pain in lower hemiabdomen and right hip preventing walking and sleep.
Lumbar pain spreading through both hips and making walking difficult.
Pain in the legs and also cramp.
Pain in both knees, wrists and shoulders. Diagnosed as polyarthritis.
Neoplasm in left breast, inoperable following to the criteria of the oncologist at the time.
Patient.- A.M.C., 27 year old woman.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: The patient came for consultation unaware of her anorexic state, as usually happens in such cases, but rather because she had been getting continuous headaches for some months, a choking sensation, exhaustion and was in a a continuous state of stress. Her extreme thinness was striking; she weighed some 44 Kg. A very introverted person, it was difficult to get information from her, something which is very usual in these kinds of patients. When asked about her weight, she expresses the feeling of being unattractive, ugly, etc. She explains that a series of comments on her physical look in her social surroundings sent her into a state of apathy and rejection of everything around her, and she began to stop eating, saying that she always has a feeling of abdominal swelling and rejects food of all kinds, eating, albeit minimally, because her parents force her, but only once a day and twice on very few occasions.
Alongside these symptoms, her period is very small and she complains of frequent pains in her neck and back and has highly pronounced, dark ocular balls. She states that she has attacks of sneezing, especially in the morning and approximately until lunchtime, putting it down to an allergy.
TREATMENT: The first session of QHBC begins with the deparatisation of a scar in the metatarsus of the fourth toe. The three protocols are applied and at the end of the session she says she feels much better, having lost her headache and backache and feeling very relaxed.
After one week she comes back for a second session, stating that she has had no headaches and has had an appetite, eating three times a day. The darkness in her ocular balls has disappeared. Emotionally improved. On returning to the clinic for the fourth session she says she feels very well and is still eating with a good appetite. She has weighed herself and now has reached 48 Kg. Her backache has not returned and her work mates say they have noted a change in her look and behaviour as she has begun to come out of herself and gain self-esteem in all senses, finding herself pretty even without makeup.
Of her own request, the patient now has fortnightly sessions, continuing to eat well and her emotional state continues to improve.
Bio-Cybernetician: Francisco José Rodríguez Ruiz - e-mail:
Name: I. P. G.- A boy of 5 years of age
Diagnosed as hyperactive with serious problems of language and
attention, at a certain time his parents were advised that the
child should see a psychiatrist to undergo treatment with pharmaceuticals,
although this did not happen.
Difficulties in language, diction, word overlapping and pronunciation
of certain words. Unsuitable discourse in terms of time and
general disorder in ideas. Serious problems of attention.
The patient started with one session of QHBC a week. From the
8th session, an improvement was noted in his attention and the
patient was more tranquil. The weekly sessions continued for
some six months, and coincided with the end of the course, and
thereafter fortnightly sessions were applied until, given the
obvious good results concerning the behaviour and attitude of
the small patient, only one session every three weeks was necessary.
Today (November 2001, in the third school year - 8 years of
age), depending on circumstances, sessions are applied at random
every three weeks or more.
In the first
phase of treatment (weekly) his academic evolution reached unsuspected
levels of normality, unthinkable a few months before. He learned
what had before seemed impossible: to read, write, add and subtract.
At the end of the course (after six months of treatment) he
pronounced all sounds without difficulty, even the "rr"
which had been very difficult for him to vocalise before then.
He is a
child classified as "energetic" but absolutely normal.
He has always received help and is encouraged to do sport. His
favourite activities at home are reading and drawing.
He had never
undergone pharmaceutical treatment and has never needed a psychiatrist.
Laura G. L. Tel. 34-932 194 496 - 630
940 893
CLINICAL CASE No. 1.- M.F.P. an 80-year old male.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION : Pain in lower hemiabdomen and right hip preventing walking and sleep.
HISTORY OF SYMPTOM-PATHOLOGY: A patient with empty pain and right iliacus depression in the hip in the area to the front of the thigh, spreading to the knee. Intense pain worsened by walking and when lying down, which obliges the patient to sleep in a chair. The patient relates the pain with the appearance of a recidivant right inguinal hernia (already operated on 5 years ago). The patient decides to come to the clinic because in the last few days, together with the pain, there have been momentary episodes of loss of strength in the member of the same side with the patient losing stability and falling to the floor.
Exploration revealed greater pain when touching the spinous apophyses of all the lumbar vertebrae, abdominal muscular contracture painful to touch and muscular contraction in the psoas and quadriceps as well as the right hip, especially on external rotation, both in adduction and abduction. The touching of the inguinal hernia does not seem to be the cause of the described pain. With movement there is only local discomfort without strangulation or pain on the sides or herniary swelling. Faced with the possibility of a high lumbar radicular compression syndrome, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance was requested urgently and we began the first session with QHBC.
TREATMENT: The first session of QHBC was started, assessing the scar of the inguinal hernia (First Protocol). After application of the second protocol in the lumbar area and the so-called "Universal Point", there was stimulation of the Chakras and finally, the Third Protocol was applied. After the first session the pain disappeared completely, the patient only felt slight discomfort when moving his hip, with a feeling that the tendons had been shortened.
After one week, when the patient returned to the clinic for a second session of QHBC, he declared that the symptoms had not returned and that he had been able to sleep in bed since the day of the first session, although with occasional loss of strength in the leg, causing instability and obliging him to walk with a stick.
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance revealed a significant degenerative arthropathy from L3 to S1, with special destructuring in the uncovertebrae with vertebral displacement and protrusion in the medular.
The patient underwent weekly treatment until the symptoms had completely disappeared and now walks normally without pain. He comes to the clinic once a month for a session of QHBC.
CLINICAL CASE No 2 - L.A.C. 71 year old male.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Lumbar pain spreading through both hips and making walking difficult.
HISTORY OF SYMPTOM PATHOLOGY: Patient suffering from Diabetes Mellitus for 20 years, not insulin dependent. He presents a diabetic retinopathy, grade II diabetic arteriopathy, Incipient Nephropathy and marked osteoporosis. He comes to the clinic for treatment of the lumbar and functional impotence, with pain in both legs. The patient walks with severe difficulty and uses two crutches.
In 1992, after an accidental fall with direct impact on the spine, simple radiology diagnosed a fracture with compression of the 4th lumbar vertebra. Since then he has had repeated episodes of pain in the damaged area. After being run down in 1995, and as a result having to be operated on for a broken femur with the fitting of a Rie Mands prosthesis, the pain became more intense and constant, and walking became more difficult.
TREATMENT: Treatment was begun with QHBC, the three protocols being applied together with the stimulation of the Chakras. After the first session, when the patient climbed off the couch he was surprised to find that the pain had entirely disappeared. Five days after the session the problems returned, but with less intensity, causing slight instability when walking, so he decided to use only one crutch to get about. Sessions of QHBC were applied weekly until the pain had disappeared completely. Today this patient comes for monthly sessions and he has no problems walking without crutches.
CLINICAL CASE No 3.- R.F.P. 46 year old woman.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Pain in the legs and also cramp.
HISTORY OF SYMPTOM PATHOLOGY: Diagnosed as having Multiple Sclerosis of 4 years evolution, the patient had been confined to a wheelchair for the past year. She walked very precariously, only able to go to the bathroom and back to bed. Since then and despite medication (corticoids and Metrotexate), the patient had suffered periodical outbreaks and especially in seasonal changes (spring and autumn), and after each outbreak her statics and walking had worsened until finally she had needed a wheelchair. On exploration we found marked muscular atrophy especially in the left leg and pain throughout the whole of the lumbar-dorsal musculature and in both legs. Autonomous movement was minimal and the patient had come for consultation because the intensity and the pain of the cramps and pains in both legs she had recently got worse.
TREATMENT: The first session of QHBC was applied and the patient expressed a marked improvement in both legs, the pain having disappeared and she was able to walk a few meters with help. After a week, when she returned for another session she said she had been much better for 5 days and then began to feel slight pain, but which had not forced her to take the usual pain killers. The cramps had reduced considerably both in frequency and intensity. The patient attended weekly sessions for the first three months and now comes every three weeks. She now walks alone with a stick and has no cramp or muscular pain. No further outbreak has been noted. Today she does not need a wheelchair.
CLINICAL CASE No 4: A.C.G. 68 year old male
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Pain in both knees, wrists and shoulders. Diagnosed as polyarthritis.
HISTORY OF THE SYMPTOM PATHOLOGY: The patient was operated on four years ago for neoplasm of the pancreas, and despite being hospitalized in the ICU for nearly four months, he recovered satisfactorily. There was no metastasis nor recurrence of the neoplasm, however, as soon as the patient left hospital he began to feel pain in both knees, with greater intensity in the left. His state progressively worsened and the pain reached the hands, wrists and shoulders, so he was sent to the rheumatology service where he was diagnosed as having seronegative polyarthritis with HLA-B27 positive. Treatment began with non steroid anti-inflammatories and cortisone in a single morning dose, and despite treatment the pain continued in both knees so he as administered various intraarticular infiltrations with cortisone. However, the patient felt no improvement and finally decided to come to the clinic.
TREATMENT: Therapy began with QHBC and the three protocols were applied successively, all abdominal scarring was cleared of interference, then stimulation was made of the Chakras, turns in the lumbar plexus and the Universal Point and turns around both knees. After the first session the patient could walk without sticks and the pain had disappeared completely. In the second week, before beginning the second session, the patient commented that his overall state had improved, the pain having disappeared as well as the tumefaction in the wrists. The pain in the shoulders had also gone and the symptoms of his knees had vanished for five days, the pain only returning with less intensity and temporarily when walking. Improvement was progressive in the following sessions. The patient now walks without a stick and only feels pain if he has been walking or on his feet for some time, and he can lead a normal life. Today, he comes for sessions of QHBC once a month.
CLINICAL CASE No 5 .- D.M.Z 56 year old woman.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Neoplasm in left breast, inoperable following to the criteria of the oncologist at the time.
HISTORY OF THE SYMPTOM PATHOLOGY: About 9 months ago, the patient had a painful tumor in the left breast, but panicked and said nothing to her family nor went to an oncology service until the tumor had covered virtually the whole breast. It was catalogued as an inoperable breast neoplasm by the tumor committee and treatment began with chemotherapy and daily radiotherapy. Despite this and after three months of treatment the size was not reduced and only trophic disorders were detected in the skin and nipple of the breast with considerable pain around the whole area under radiation. The patient was very depressed and exhausted, which was attributed to the sessions of chemotherapy.
TREATMENT: Therapy began with QHBC and the three protocols were applied. The second protocol was also applied to the affected breast for 20 minutes. The Chakras were stimulated and certain acupuncture points were occasionally stimulated with one of the modules of the therapeutical equipment. After the first session the patient commented that she felt much happier, the pain and tiredness had disappeared and she felt appetite. On the following week when the session began in which the three protocols were applied, she said that she felt no pain, only occasional pinching pains, possibly due to the chemotherapy. She also said that the tumor had gone down to about half its size and that it was not only she who had noticed, but also the radiotherapist who had had to adjust the size of the radiation. The patient was in an excellent mood, was not tired and had put on a little weight due to her increased appetite. Her mood continued to be good and the symptoms did not return throughout following sessions. The size of the tumor gradually reduced and no metastasis was found so finally the tumor committee of the hospital decided on a radical mastectomy. Today she comes for sessions once a month. She has had no further setbacks or metastasis. The operational scar is perfect despite the radiotherapy she received.
- Dr. Carlos Aldea Bueno graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1981 in the Medical Faculty of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, part of Barcelona University.
- Diploma in Geriatrics and Rheumatology.
- Professor at Barcelona University in the Medical Faculty until 1992, giving classes on the postgraduate course on algiology and treatment of pain.
- Medical Director of the Primary Attention Centre of the Olympic Village in Barcelona.
- Associate professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the medical faculty of the Hospital de Nuestra Señora del Mar, where he gives classes on the final course of the degree in the specialty of Family and Community Medicine.
- Masters Degree in Natural Medicine.
- Higher Diploma in Acupuncture by C.E.D.A.T.C. (Spanish Centre for the Diffusion of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Professor Nguyen Van Nghi).
- Diploma and professorship in Homeopathy by the CEDH (Paris Centre of Study and Diffusion of Homeopathy).
- Diploma in Homotoxicology and homotoxic therapy by "The International Association of Homotoxicology and Homotoxic Therapy" in Baden - Baden (Germany).
- He has a private clinic devoted almost entirely to the treatment of pain in chronic, degenerative pathologies.
- In July 1997 he did the full course on Quantum Hologramic Bio-Cybernetics under the direction of Professor Pere Ribalta-Puig, and included this specialty in his professional activity.
- e-mail:
CLINIC CASE: R. A.37-year old woman
CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Carcinoma in uterine neck.
The patient goes to the gynecologist for her yearly check. The exfoliant Papanicolau test is carried out as is routine, revealing a possible dysplasia in the neck of the uterus with pre-malignant cellular alteration; it is decided to undertake histopathological study by biopsy on four samples.
The diagnosis is: Cervical Neoplasm (samples 9, 3 and 12) high degree SIL (previous terminology equivalent to CIN Ill, serious dysplasia, carcinoma in situ). The patient is recommended emergency surgical intervention called "conisation", which consists of the removal of part of the neck of the uterus so that study may be completed and the possible extension detected.
Before proceeding with the operation, the patient, having had previous experience of the benefits that can be obtained with Quantum Hologramic Bio-Cybernetics, decides first to go for sessions with this therapeutic technique.
TREATMENT: Therapy is begun with QHBC, the three protocols comprising the therapy being applied in five sessions in accordance with the specific clinical presentation of the case. Following this a further exfoliant cytology is undertaken, the result of which is negative, there therefore being no sign of the pathology described previously. The gynecologist thus determines that the surgical intervention is not necessary because there is no pathology.
The patient decides to continue the QHBC therapy for some time more.
Therapist: Pere Ribalta
e-mail: info@qhbiocybernetics
CLINICAL CASE of a "Lichen Ruber Moniliformis"
Ch., single, 39 years old, coming to clinic with a Lichen Ruber Moniliformis of six-year evolution, broadly extended on the face and members (front and sides of arms and legs, back of hands and feet), diagnosed in primary care and by dermatology specialists. The patient had had several biopsies, cultures and different analyses made during the time in a number of centers and hospitals. She was prescribed moisturizing creams, oral corticosteroids (Tigason, Roacutan) and in cream form, Psoralen plus artificial UV radiation, cyclosporin (Sandinum), several own name formulae and applications of pitch, with no results and severe side effects. According to the Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, in an article written in February 1984 transcribing the talk " Lichen Ruber Moniliformis and Lichen Ruber Verrucosus and Reticularis of Kaposi" given by the American doctors A. H. Mehregan, L. E. Heath, and H. Pinkus (Wayne State School of Medicine and Pinkus Dermopathology Laboratory - Detroit, Michigan -) at the Annual Congress of the American Dermopathology Society (New Orleans, 3-12-82), there have only been 25 cases in the world since this pathology was first differentiated from Plain Lichen and Chronic Simple Lichen in 1886 by Dr. Kaposi in Budapest, which gives us an idea of the singularity of this chronic, non malignant illness.
Of unknown etiology, the distribution of the rashes and histological changes characterized by the lichenization and proliferation of thick scar tissue on the epidermis, would suggest a self-induced process from the viewpoint of allopathic medicine (Dermatitis Artefacta) revealing unusual skin reactivity to traumas and causing the formation of linear bands of hypertrophic scars following a reticulate pattern. Appearance of purple, serous lichoid papules, nodules and hypertrophic chemoloid lesions forming more or less symmetrical lines. According to the hystiopathological examination, there are areas of subepidermal edema with separation of the collagen fibers, a slight increase in the number of fibroblasts, some areas of dermoepidermal separation on the levels of the basal membrane, dermic fibrosis and focal points of excoriation. These were generally linear lesions in the form of chord of a thickness of 1-3 mm, forming purple reticular anastomosis, gray on the upper side, prurite-free, with areas of superficial excoriation. The patient had a tendency to have small ulcers, especially on the back of the hands due to compulsive scratching of the irritated areas, which then caused pain.
No previous cases are known of in the patient's family. She congenitally lacks the left kidney and at the age of 8 was diagnosed a pulmonary cavity. At 18, she was intervened for an left inguinal hernia, the scar of which affected the liver meridian. In the last three years, twice a year she has suffered the appearance of mammary abscesses, treated with antibiotics and on occasions having to be intervened. At the time of the appearance, the patient generally caught colds, felt cold and her hands and feet were always cold. The rash appeared in Spring, and at first was treated as a Spring allergy without result. The year before had been particularly difficult for the patient as she had had a tense family situation with the loss of her father, which had a serious psychological effect on her. During the Winter she suffered worse influenza than is normal, with temperatures of almost 41º. She was delirious and shaking; later, in February, she suffered a peripheral facial paralysis on the left side, which presented no apparent sequels after two months of allopathic treatment. Following the appearance of the eruption in May, she lost her sensitivity to cold, and experienced a fall in the hypothermia of the hands and feet, with episodes of shaking and anxiety. At times she felt a burning sensation in the altered areas, especially in the legs. On going to the clinic she had an unstable temperament and an understandable introversion, irritability, insomnia, palpitations, white expectoration, nasal mucous, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, banal nervousness and pain in the breasts at premenstrual times, choking accompanied by spontaneous sweating and a sensation of anguish, sporadic tinnitus, a thin, shallow pulse, especially in the kidney position, and a rather dry tongue, a little red with little white fur.
From the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a tendency to Qi insufficiency, with an obvious weakness of Wei Qi, of the kidney (absence of Yin kidney) and lung Qi, the patient had suffered a liver Qi blockage due to emotional factors, followed by an acute wind-cold attack transformed into interior heat. The feverish illness reached the Xue system, consuming the Yin, generating heat in the blood and finally internal wind due to the lack of hydration and nutritional contribution in the muscles and tendons. In this context, another wind-cold attack a short time later caused the peripheral facial analysis. The Yin consumption by the heat had broken the delicate balance between "the water and the fire", generating heat due to Yin insufficiency and disturbance of the Shen of the heart. At the same time "the water did not nourish the wood", and as the liver Qi was still blocked by emotional factors, there were premenstrual and menstrual disturbances, episodes of hepatic Yang increases and internal wind. The eruption, hardly surprisingly appearing in Spring, is the reflection of the wind and the heat accumulated in the internal system and the blood, of the insufficiency of the Yin of the liver, heart and kidney, and the weakness of the lung and skin. Logically, because of the eruption, her emotional state worsened (concern, sadness and repressed anger), therefore increasing the blockage of the liver Qi and the Shen disturbance.
From the first session of QHBC in January 1999 the patient felt significantly more relaxed and was able to sleep the same night. Sessions were weekly for the first four months and then fortnightly in the following month before falling to once a month in June and July. Following a break in August, fortnightly sessions were recommenced in early September and the eruption has been reduced by 75 %. The patient says her attitude to life has changed significantly and she feels more balanced and relaxed. The menstrual problems have been regulated, and although the premenstrual disorders remain, they are much lighter. No further mammary abscesses have appeared. The patient has had no more colds and her rhinitis and expectoration has disappeared, basically due to two sessions with the application of the analogical bio-information through one of the elements of the QHBC equipment directly on one of the acupuncture points that, according to Dr. Mussat, regulated the Tai Yin energy level (7P, 4IG-36E, ID3-V62-DM4, 17RM). A significant reduction has been seen in the episodes of palpitations, shaking, tinnitus, heat and anguish. This all makes us very hopeful about the results obtained and the results that still might be achieved in this, in our view, difficult case.
Barcelona, 11th September 1999.
Therapists Bio-cybernetician: Silvia Fontecha, diplomas in:
BCQH by the Institute of Bio-Cybernetic Studies. Foot Reflexology by the Koré School of Training and Manual Therapies. Kinesiology and Floral Medicine by the Axis - Vipassana Association. Chromo-Floral Therapy by the Professional Center of Aesthetic Medicine. Therapeutic Espagiria by the Spanish Center of Espagiria - Sothys Esp. Espagiric Medicine by Phyto-Esp. Mental Dynamics and Psychic Culture by the Association of Parapsychologists of Catalonia.
Bio-cybernetician: Vicenç Bagué, diplomas in:
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu by the Higher School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy. Acupuncture and Shiatsu by FENACO BCQH by the Institute of Bio-Cybernetic Studies.
Auriculomedicine by PROELSA School. Conditions of Work and Health by the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work.
CLINICAL CASE: Mª J. G. R, a woman aged 41.
REASON FOR VISIT: to improve her emotional state after being informed of the urgent need to treat her hepatitis C: before the news she had felt perfectly well, and afterwards had been overcome by her fear of death.
CLINICAL BACKGROUND: she came to the clinic in March 2000 with altered transaminases and a swollen liver. Until that time she had been active, with a completely normal life, even though she was diagnosed with HEPATITIS C nine years ago. Her father died of hepatitis C and one of her father's brothers also has the virus.
TREATMENT: we began with 4 consecutive sessions, one a week, then extending them to 2 weeks at the end of September.
Date of analysis
Viral load HCV (copies/ml) |
Viral load HCV (Ul/ml)
01.2000 |
03.2000 |
Altered transaminases....
Start treatment BIOcqh.
30.05.2000 |
309.443 |
21.09.2000 |
245.977 |
363.218 break treatment BIOcqh.
10.2000 |
Normal transaminases ...
Start chemical treatment.
28.12.2000 |
Key points:
- The normal development of the virus is to multiply and the state of the liver to worsen. In this case, after two months of treatment with Bcqh, not only did the virus fall, but the liver and the transaminases were normal
- The patient also decided to undergo chemical treatment to feel safer, despite being warned of how aggressive it was and the possibility that she would have
to give up work for a year. Her system reacted very favourably and the viral load descended enormously, and the most important thing is that she has continued to work in a very positive emotional state. On her request we have been doing two or three-weekly sessions since January.
Quantum Hologramic Bio-Cybernetic Therapist - Bio-cybernetician:
Carme Frigola Gratacós
CLINICAL CASE: J.S.C., a 14-year-old girl. Figueres - Alt Empordà, Girona province (Catalonia Spain)
REASON FOR ATTENDANCE: to stop a process and improve her condition.
BACKGROUND: On first coming for therapy, the most obvious symptoms are: Clear speech and psychomotricity difficulties.
A few months after she was born, she was diagnosed with a hydrocephalus for unknown reasons. The prognosis was of little chance of improvement and possible worsening at the age of 5. She has been very loved, accepted, supported and stimulated by her parents. Two years ago she began treatment, having become far more aware of her limitations, although she had not worsened as had been expected.
TREATMENT: We began weekly treatment of Quantum Hologramic Bio-Cybernetics for 3 months, during which time she experienced a significant change in her manual ability, sports and mental understanding. She is now more cheerful, warm and collaborates a great deal. The last time she met with her doctor, he was very surprised, not only because she had not worsened, but also because he could see a significant improvement in her psychomotricity and speech, and particularly in her understanding, responsibility and independence.
She now asks for a monthly session herself in order to feel better.
Quantum Hologramic Bio-Cybernetic Therapist - Bio-cybernetician:
Carme Frigola Gratacós
A 28-year old woman undergoing extraction of the 4 wisdom teeth, 3 being half hidden (having not come out completely) and covered by the gums.
In preparation for surgery, the patient receives three full sessions of QHBC (the three protocols comprising the method).
Surgical intervention is carried out under local anaesthetic and the four teeth are removed at the same time. No problems appear during the intervention.
Two hours after the surgical intervention, a further session of QHBC is given to the patient, and two supplementary sessions in the following two days (one each day).
7 hours after the operation, the patient is able to eat soup and an omelette, returning to her normal activity after the third day.
The patient felt no pain, had no inflammation or any other kind of symptom in the days following the intervention, and as a result did not need to take any kinds of antibiotics or analgesics.
The stitches were removed 7 days after the operation with no complications in the wounds, which had already scarred.
Therapist: Juan J.Garcia - - Valencia:
 